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Key Challenges that 
Ananya Strives to Solve

Students From Underprivileged Backgrounds

➤ 1 out of 8 students drop out without completing education. 

 Financial constraints or non-affordability remains main reason for all. 

 40% of girls drop out because of marriage or domestic work. 

 As per a recent survey, Post pandemic, 37% of rural students are not studying at all. As many as 48% of rural children surveyed were not able to read more than a few words

Cost of Education 

➤ Average expenditure per year ~Rs. 1.5 Lakh INR, including the access and availability of learning materials. 

Invariably students come from poor backgrounds where education is given low value, specially for girl child, when compared to daily wage options and domestic chores. 

Availability of Education Loan is not a reality for most of these students - Family/Individual lacks financial literacy skills like knowing how to apply for benefits and financial aid programs.


➤ Transportation is a big challenge for female students with parents fearing lack of safety.

➤ Experiencing discrimination based on caste/class and external factors demotivates students from pursuing education in top colleges.

➤ Norm of early marriage and “more earning hands” as daily wagers (short term thinking) is an ongoing battle.

Job Opportunities and Readiness

➤ The dropout rate for females at the school level is as high as 57%. 

 For those who finish school, the struggle to land a job is real.

The Main barriers for this Situation : 

  • Skill Gap - Soft skills like spoken english, reasoning & critical thinking. The conservative ecosystem they live in from childhood to adulthood makes them anxious from speaking out and hustle ahead with confidence.
  • Outdated Curriculum - The gap in course curriculum and job market reality leaves students underconfident and unprepared for real-world challenges 
  • Unavailability of resources to aid job preparedness - No laptops to build resumes, learn about new openings, and apply online for private jobs.

Ananya's Approach to 
Solve the Challenges

Enhancing Employability

Year long trainings to impart job ready skills in core technologies.

Strategic Relationship

Connect corporate volunteers with college students to hone key skills.

Scaling by Collaborating

Collaborations with government, industry, academia, service providers, not for profit across skilling ecosystem.

Support them Young

Support disadvantaged children in school for college & career counselling. Mentor to prevent dropouts.

Foster SDG 5 Goal

Working towards gender equality, quality education for underprivileged and building sustainable communities.

Focus on 1 Gen Learners

Help remove roadblocks for 1st generation learners, specially for female students.