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Digital Access Initiative

1st August, 2022

Ananya NGO in their mission to support first generation learners particularly meritorious young women from economically weaker backgrounds, provided digital access laptop to 6 meritorious shrigandha scholarship students. Along with laptop Ananya team is providing employment skill training to thousands of students to bridge the gap between college and career. 

Special Thanks to Mahalakshmi Parthasarathy madam for enabling these first generation learners in their family to achieve their dream in their educational career. 

International Volunteer Day

5th December , 2021

We @ Ananya appreciate our Volunteers who inspire by their depth of commitment to make a real difference in the life of others.

Today the strides of Ananya that has reached 6500 students across India is an inclusive journey, to ensure we get first generation learners particularly more women get into tech jobs. All this is possible by our volunteers who are surely changing the world !

Concept of Financial Planning

15th May, 2021

We will be handholding ANANYA’S from BNMIT on the threshold of graduation and on their way to private income, this session would benefit ANANYA’S by seeding a thought of constant awareness and strategic thinking in order to put together an economic strategy for their personal financial management.