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About Us

We at Ananya believe in giving more opportunity by leveraging our strategic corporate connects to ensure first generation learners, from  economically challenged back grounds particularly women, living in aspirational districts across the country grow to their fullest potential.

It is satisfying to see intergenerational impacts in our Ananya's who are work ready, have digital access and the resources to graduate from a tertiary professional course. We have seen that it ultimately benefits everyone, and leads to a more equal world.

Our commitment has made a positive impact on almost 6000 first generation learners, young women from economically challenged backgrounds Pan India, their families and communities across India.
Ananya is an inclusive journey and we want everyone to make it their own, make a positive difference, share their stories, shine a light on inequities, get more involved in the mission and we can change things together. 

Since Nine years, we have partnered with disadvantaged colleges from and impart yearlong employability skill trainings., internships, mentorships and apprenticeships.

With COVID-19 making an unprecedented impact on face to face learning, we decided to take the core components of our workshops online. This has helped us attain Pan India reach.


To build a community of dynamic, intelligent, accomplished and employable graduates, particularly women, who influence the society in diverse fields.


To build a community of dynamic, intelligent, accomplished and employable graduates, particularly women, who influence the society in diverse fields.


At Ananya, we make it our mission to support first generation learners, particularly meritorious young women from economically challenged backgrounds, in their journey to gainful employment in technology.

We enhance the aspirations, opportunities and career prospects of enthusiastic and committed young people.

We design customized employability skills programs for businesses to provide high quality employee volunteering opportunities and a tangible vehicle to deliver genuine social value in the community.

      Enabling Tertiary Education – by providing scholarships, digital access, projects, life skills & medical security.

      Importing Employability Skills – by partnering with colleges and corporates to bridge the gap between college and career.

      Fostering Quality Education – by partnering with disadvantaged schools to reach under-served students to ensure digital access, improved classroom facilities, career counselling, life-skills training, honing leadership potential to create a steady pipe line of first generation of college going students.

 Nurturing Commons for Sustainable Livelihoods Development – By responding to the asks of the local communities impacted by the silting of the lake, Lake restoration, creation of upstream & downstream linkages, afforestation in the periphery is planned to set-in motion a virtuous cycle of livelihoods, biodiversity and native knowledge. 



We establish a Strategic Corporate Connect with partner colleges across India using active volunteer engagement to hone leadership potential and create a steady pipeline of employable graduates in technology. 

Full Circle Support
Ananya’s core focus is to ensure more women in technology jobs and foster SDG 5 goals. A select group of meritorious young women are given high impact job training that includes projects and internships in industry, honing leadership skills, and even emergency medical support.
Employability Skill Training
Simultaneously, we extend the employability skills programs to a larger group of economically challenged students (particularly women) undergoing tertiary education. We bridge the gap between college and corporate by facilitating interaction with industry experts, imparting job ready skills in core technologies. With virtual engagement we are able to make deep inroads into disadvantaged colleges in aspirational districts earmarked by NITI Aayog all across the country, resulting in an explosion in the number of students reached.

Scaling by Collaborating
Collaborating with government, industry, academia, service providers, not for profits across the skilling ecosystem to improve the quality and scale of our collective efforts.
Support them Young
Support disadvantaged children in schools, to inspire them to think big, handhold them with college and career counselling and mentoring to prevent dropouts.

Foster SDG 5 Goal
To work towards achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls. Help close the achievement gap for all first-generation college goers especially women who are talented skilled and have the potential to form a flexible workforce that’s needed for the rapidly changing economy.

Our Journey

From 125 students in 2013, the team was able to connect with 13000 Ananya’s in 2023, overcoming the constraints of pandemic and pivoting employability training session to Virtual learning environment. We have supported students, Pan India from 17 states , particularly women in STEM, FIRST GENERATION LEARNERS , from underserved colleges, aspirational districts to get Employability Skills, many have achieved digital inclusion and have received support to complete their graduation. 
 13,000 college students in STEM education, 90% girls
 450 students adopted from school
 40+ colleges across 17 states

 Expanded from Computer Science stream to core engineering streams of Civil, ECE and beyond IT to scale job opportunities for underprivileged students.

Our Journey

From 125 students in 2013, the team was able to connect with 13000 Ananya’s in 2023, overcoming the constraints of pandemic and pivoting employability training session to Virtual learning environment. We have supported students, Pan India from 17 states , particularly women in STEM, FIRST GENERATION LEARNERS , from underserved colleges, aspirational districts to get Employability Skills, many have achieved digital inclusion and have received support to complete their graduation. 
  13,000 college students in STEM education, 90% girls
  450 students adopted from school
  40+ colleges across 17 states

     Expanded from Computer Science stream to core engineering streams of Civil, ECE and beyond IT to scale job opportunities for underprivileged students.

The Road Ahead

The Road Ahead

 To train to at least 1000 first generation learners every year in employability skills, emerging technologies with a strong emphasis on reaching out to deserving young women studying tertiary professional education

 To handhold at least 500 girl students every year under the Full Circle Support program.

 Ananya is a registered non-profit trust, All donations to Ananya are eligible.

 For tax exemption up to 50% under section 80G of the Income Tax Act.

  We are also registered under FCRA.

 We are also registered under the BENEVITY CAUSES PORTAL.

  For donation related queries please reach us at 

Social Impact

Till date we have supported more than 6000 first generation learners across India, from cities to remote villages. These are students who have completed their secondary education and are motivated enough to understand that tertiary education is the way to an independent life. We have heart-warming success stories of young women in tech jobs, hired because they are amazing at their jobs.


​Skills Training Programs


Tertiary Education
​Scholarship Programs


Life Skills


Medical Security

Our Team

Mahalakshmi Parthasarathy

Founder and Managing Trustee

Ramya Amrit Kumar




Nandita Jacob



2023 - 2024 (1st Quarter)

2023 - 2024 (2nd Quarter)

FCRA Donations