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Digital Access for Undergraduates

We understand the economic and social inequality between women and men regarding access to, use of and impact of ICT on employability skills of women in STEM esp tertiary education. 

Affordability is an important challenge that young women in engineering encounter. Our scholarships support young women to buy laptops, internet access, as we have identified this as positive relationship between digital access and their empowerment through employment.

Sayantani Sukai An Ananya from CEMK Kolaghat, a bright engineering undergrad’s email sparked this post.. we are sure she will use this stepping stone to facilitate her tertiary college assignments, attend our employability trainings and land her dream job and start a fulfilling career in technology.

We need all the support to make this a reality for all Ananyas’..


Empowering Girls in Engineering: A Campaign to Raise Funds for Digital Access

At Ananya we understand Digital Access in India for girls in Engineering is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it can help to bridge the gender gap in the field of engineering, where women are typically underrepresented. Getting educational Bank loans for a laptop and Wi-Fi has been proving a difficult process. 

Empowering Girls in Engineering: A Campaign to Raise Funds for Digital Access

At Ananya we understand Digital Access in India for girls in Engineering is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it can help to bridge the gender gap in the field of engineering, where women are typically underrepresented. Getting educational Bank loans for a laptop and Wi-Fi has been proving a difficult process. 


Providing Laptops and Support WIFI Access

Ananya supports young meritorious women from economically weaker backgrounds by providing digital access through laptops and WIFI connections. 

We have reached out to more than 500 girls students and have ensured digital access to disadvantaged rural schools that caters to 1000+ students in couple of rural schools that has students from BPL families and in Pre University courses. over the years with laptops.Some testimonials

Providing Laptops and Support WIFI Access

Ananya supports young meritorious women from economically weaker backgrounds by providing digital access through laptops and WIFI connections. 
We have reached out to more than 500 girls students and have ensured digital access to disadvantaged rural schools that caters to 1000+ students in couple of rural schools that has students from BPL families and in Pre University courses. over the years with laptops.Some testimonials

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